
Tuesday, August 13, 2013

New Statistics Show Common Types of Car Accidents

For most motorists, getting involved in a car accident is really something to worry about. Aside from the resulting damage and repair costs that car owners may have to shoulder later on, there are other factors that motorists should not be overlooked. For the most part, accidents on the road are not only caused by driver error, but also road hazards including animals crossing the road, potholes, and the like.

While a two-vehicle collision remains to be the most common form of road accident, it accounted for less than half of the incidents reported by people looking for insurance. This is according to a study made by, which is a website that provides auto insurance data and shopping tools.

The survey in which the study was based on covered around 42,000 online auto insurance quotes that were given from September of 2011 to February 5 of this year. Said auto insurance quotes were from drivers who reported incidents of car collisions in the last five years, all of which were single-vehicle policies for collision, comprehensive, and liability coverage.

According to, over a third of all incidents involved vehicles hitting a parked car, sustaining damaged due to inclement weather conditions or road debris, vandalism, or unsuspectingly hitting an animal crossing the road. As such, insurance rates differ depending on the type of accident a driver gets involved in.  For instance, between a driver hitting a runaway deer or a tree, both may incur similar damage but the latter may increase one’s insurance rate.

Meanwhile, here is a list of percentages for every reason why vehicles included in the report was damaged (rounded off):
  • Struck another vehicle – 23 percent
  • A vehicle struck the driver – 22 percent
  • Single-car accident (e.g. rollovers) – 8 percent
  • Act of nature (e.g. weather condition) – 6 percent
  • Struck parked car or a tree – 5 percent
  • Insurance holder’s parked car struck – 5 percent
  • Debris (e.g. hitting a pothole) – 3 percent

Road accidents can be troublesome, especially if those involved have to deal with insurance and repairs. It is even more worrisome if they have to deal with injuries because of these unfortunate events. But then, they are entitled to personal injury damages, especially if the accident is caused by the other party’s negligence. For such occurrences, injured parties may have to consult with the best car accident attorney in Los Angeles for them to be entitled compensation.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Following Traffic Laws Do Save Lives

Obey Traffic Signs to prevent more Car Accident
 Image Source:

Traffic laws are made and implemented for a reason. Without rules and regulations, orderliness cannot be achieved. There would be no discipline and the roads will be in total chaos. That is why to put order and discipline with the road users, both houses of congress came up with all of these traffic laws that you know of now.

Stubborn drivers

However, despite the implementation of the many traffic laws of the land, there are still a lot of people that disregard these laws and choose to disobey the same. These people don’t realize the impact that their actions or the lack of it could mean. For example, not too long ago in Santa Clara County in California, one motorist driving a Chevy Impala went against the flow of traffic on the ramp of the Oregon Expressway and Alma Street intersection. On the very same ramp, a female Palo Alto officer was on board her patrol car that collided with the counter-flowing vehicle. The female police officer was brought to the nearest hospital where she was treated for the minor injuries that she got from the crash. The male driver of the Impala was luckily not hurt in the incident.

The price lawbreakers have to pay

A driver liable to an accident, according to the same traffic rules will be made to pay for the consequences of his or her action. According to a Los Angeles vehicle accident lawyer, one will be dealt with the corresponding corrective action depending on how grave a driver’s infractions are. Consequence for the violation of these laws ranges from varying amounts of fines, cancellation and revocation of one’s license, even jail time. That is why if you do not want to be dealt with these penalties, be sure to always follow the many traffic laws that the state implements.

How traffic laws can save lives on the road

A Los Angeles attorney believes that by helping inculcate discipline in the minds of motorists, these traffic laws play a significantly huge role in helping cultivate a culture of safety on the road. The general motoring public, (well, except those people bold enough to violate these laws) exercise safe driving habits that prevent accidents from happening with these laws in place. Without accidents there would be no properties damages, no injuries, and no live lost.