
Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Giving Meaning to A Life Lost

Motorcycle Accident

Accidents happen because of a lot of reasons. Most of it though happens because of the negligence of one of the parties involved in the accident. However, there are times when external factors that cause these accidents to happen. For example, there are road that are poorly maintained that have blind spots and sharp curves without the proper warning signs for motorists. Such negligence by the government agencies concerned can cause accidents that cause damage to property, injuries, and even death.

Out of sight, out of mind
Laws on the road are put in place to maintain order and safety on the road. However, not everybody’s aware of what these laws are. As one adage says, “out of sight, out of mind”; there should be reminders to help people keep themselves aware of these laws. A group of Los Angeles motorcycle accident lawyers believe that roads should be equipped with the appropriate signs to help the motorists better follow these laws. However, despite the continuous efforts of the government to put up signs everywhere, there are still some roads that don’t have proper signage.

Another life wasted to some’s negligence
One local U.S. Marine, Lance Corporal Jesse Wilkes, 27, was riding his motorcycle eastbound on Devonshire. The marine serviceman who was able to dodge death during his tours in Afghanistan, ironically lost his life in a deadly crash when a driver on board a Honda Civic made a sudden left-hand turn onto Winnetka Avenue, cuts right in front of him. Due to the dangerous maneuver of the Civic, Wilkes was unable to avoid the car, crashed on the car and skidded. The decorated marine died on impact.

Importance of street signs to motorcycle riders
Motorcycle riders need more time than its four wheel counterparts to be able to react and avoid road hazards. The absence of turn-arrows in intersections is one of the reasons why accidents happen on the roads. That is why Wilkes’ family called for the installation of street signs that will warn riders and drivers to take precautions in intersections to help avoid accidents from further happening.

What can you do as an ordinary citizen?
While the government is trying its best in making sure that the roads are safe and the proper signages are installed at the right places, they wouldn’t be able to cover everything at once. As a concerned citizen, you can inform various agencies of those particular places that you think the government should focus on. This way, the government can better cover all the bases to ensure the safety of everyone on the roads.

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